CoreFlow Present in Display Week 2018, SID/DSCC Business Conference Monday, May 21, 2018 LA Convention Center CA, USA

CoreFlow's CEO – Mr. Eric Joely – present at the DISPLAY WEEK 2018 Business Conference in Los Angeles Convention Center USA on May 21, 2018.


The increasing demand for polymer and flexible glass displays brings new challenges of conveying and handling flexible substrates in the display manufacturing process. CoreFlow is offering air floating solutions that can handle flexible substrates and can meet the new demanding challenges.


Mr. Joely will talk in the dedicated session of "Technologies Enabling Next Generation Displays" about innovative handling solutions that were developed by CoreFlow.


For more details about DISPLAY WEEK 2018 Business Conference and agenda visit:


About CoreFlow Ltd.

CoreFlow is an industry leader in high precision air-floating solutions for critical processes in the FPD and Semiconductor industries. The company develops, manufactures and markets handling, conveying and processing systems used by key equipment manufacturers around the globe.


About SID

Society for Information Display is comprised of the top scientists, engineers, corporate researchers, and business people of the display industry, valued at over US$100B annually. SID was formed in 1962 to promulgate display technology, and that work continues today, publishing a monthly Journal of SID, Information Display magazine, and our annual Digest of Technical Papers, which is presented at our annual

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